How to use the new Lock Screen Shortcut in iOS 16.4

How to use the new Lock Screen Shortcut in iOS 16.4

iOS 16.4 is currently in testing and comes with several new Shortcuts and automation features. One of those is the option to create an iPhone Lock Screen Shortcut, here’s how it works and what you can do with it.


iOS 16.4 expands the capabilities of automation features like Focus Filters and the Shortcuts app.

Along with the ability to automate the always-on display for iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max, all iPhone users get the functionality to lock their iPhone screen with a custom automation, a Home Screen button, or with Siri (although the latter is available without the Shortcut but is not customizable).

After the iPhone Lock Screen Shortcut is run, the screen will remain lit for a few moments before going black or dimming to the always-on display.

There are a variety of use cases that make this Shortcut convenient. It improves accessibility and is handy for people who like to leave the auto-lock timer to never (or several minutes) and want the flexibility to create different ways to lock their iPhone without having to press the side button.

How to set up the iPhone Lock Screen Shortcut in iOS 16.4

You’ll need to be running the iOS 16.4 beta to get this feature or wait for the iOS 16.4 public release. Check out our guide for how to install the free beta.

  1. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone running iOS 16.4 (if you don’t have it download it)
  2. Tap the + in the top right corner to add a new Shortcut
  3. Tap Add Action > use the search bar to pull up Lock Screen
  4. You can tap Done to add the basic Shortcut or customize it with conditions like a trigger or more actions
    • When editing the Shortcut you can tap the small dropdown arrow at the top to add it to your Home Screen
  5. Press and hold on the Lock Screen Shortcut to rename it – e.g. maybe you want to give it a covert name for the Siri command
  6. Check out Apple’s Shortcuts User Guide for more on the topic (the MacStories Shortcuts Archive is also an amazing resource)

Here’s how it looks to add the new Shortcut:

iPhone Lock Screen Shortcut 1

You can get creative with the actions or automation options or just create a basic Shortcut for the Lock Screen:

iPhone Lock Screen Shortcut 2

Thanks for checking out our guide on how to create an iPhone Lock Screen Shortcut!.

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